Evangelia Petraki

Laboratory Teaching Staff
Department of Economics
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Sofokleous 1 Str, Office 612
105 59 Athens – Greece
Εmail: evpetra[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr
She received B.Sc. in Informatics from the Athens University of Economics and Business, her M.Sc. in Information Systems as well as her PhD from the Athens University of Economics and Business, Department of Informatics. Her PhD Thesis subject was «Conceptual data retrieval from FDB databases»
She has worked in the private sector in the analysis, design, and implementation of Information Systems and in public primary and secondary education as an ICT teacher. Participated in European Comenius and Erasmus+ projects. From 2016 to 2019 she taught independently at the Department of Economics of National and Kapodistrian University of Athens the courses "Databases and Data Management", "Computer Systems Organization and Function" and "Business Information Systems" in the implementation of the Act "Acquisition of Academic Teaching Experience for Young Scientists PhD holders”. Since April 2019 she is a member of Laboratory Teaching Staff of the Department of Economics.
Her research interests lie in the field of databases, information retrieval and machine learning.