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National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Department of Economics

Courses offered in English

(Winter/Spring Semester 2021-2022)

1. ECO201- Microeconomic Theory Ι

1st semester

Tutor: Prof. Andreas A. Papandreou   aap@econ.uoa.gr

Course link: https://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/ECON289/   

Course description

The purpose of the course is to give students a thorough understanding of the analytical tools and principles of economics that are applied to the behaviour of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers. Lectures cover:

a.  Consumer theory: Preferences and utility. Budget constraint. Optimal Choice. Income and substitution effects. Deriving individual and aggregate demand curves. Elasticities. Consumer surplus.

b.  Production and cost theory: Inputs and production functions. Supply function. Cost minimization and cost curves. Profit maximization.

The successful completion of this course should help students understand the nature and scope of formal microeconomic analysis and how it can be applied.  It also offers a rigorous presentation of theoretical and applied models of individual optimization expressed in mathematical terms.

Prerequisites: Knowledge of introductory elements of economics and mathematical calculus is taken for granted.

Main textbook

Nechyba (2018) Intermediate Microeconomics: An intuitive approach with calculus, Cengage, EMEA edition. Intermediate Microeconomics: An Intuitive Approach with Calculus: Amazon.co.uk: Nechyba, Thomas: 9781473759008: Books, Chapters 1-14.

Alternative textbooks:

Walter Nicholson, Christopher Snyder (2018) Microeconomic Theory: basic principles and extensions

Hal R. Varian (2018) Microeconomics: a modern approach



2. 41ECO302-Public Finance 

1st semester 

Tutor:  Prof. Georgia Kaplanoglou

Office: 1, Sofokleous street, No. 505     Tel: 210 368 94 59

Class-Website. eclass.uoa.gr/courses/ECON123/

Email:  gkaplanog[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr 

Overview: Public finance is the branch of economics that analyzes the role of government in the economy. In this course will use the basic tools of economics to analyze the prevailing views of what government does and what it could and should do. We will then look at what the public sector actually does, how it uses taxes and public spending, and how it affects individual and corporate decision-making and social welfare.

Intermediate Microeconomics is an essential prerequisite for this course. The course will assume a competency at roughly the level of intermediate books like Varian, or Nicholson. In addition, it is critical that you have a reasonable level of mathematical skills. Calculus (derivation and integration), solving systems of equations, and a few other tools will be used.

Text Books: The recommended textbook for the course is:

Rosen, Harvey S. & Ted Gayer Public Finance, 9th or 8th Edition. New
York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Two very good textbooks that could be used as alternatives are the following:
1. Stiglitz, J. E., Economics of the Public Sector, W. W. Norton & Co., 3rd Edition, 2000.

2. Gruber Jonathan Public Finance and Public Policy, 3rd edition, Worth
Publishers, 2011.

Evaluation: There will be a number of assignments (3 or 4), all of which will count for 15%, of the final grade. There will be a final exam which will count for the 85% of the final grade.


A. Background (Rosen, Chapters 1, 2)
B. Welfare Economics (Rosen, Chapters 3)

A. Public Goods (Rosen, Chapter 4)
B. Externalities (Rosen, Chapter 5)

A. Voting and Political Economics (Rosen, Chapter 6)

A. Cost-benefit analysis (Rosen, Chapter 8)
B. Redistribution (Rosen, Chapter 12)

A. Taxation and Income Distribution (Rosen, Chapter 14)
B. Taxation and Efficiency (Rosen, Chapter 15)
C. Efficient and Equitable Taxation (Rosen, Chapter 16)



3. 41ECO452-Labor Economics (will not be offerd in 2021-22)

2nd semester  

Tutor:  Evangelia PAPAPETROU, epapapet@econ.uoa.gr                                                                                                       

This course applies economic theory to the operation of the labor market. Special reference is given to the theory of labor supply, theories of labor demand, labor market equilibrium and the theory of compensating differences, human capital and education problems, labor market discrimination, labor unions and labor mobility.

Required Textbook: George J. Borjas (2007), Labor Economics, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill International Editions (referred to as Borjas).

Grading:  One comprehensive final exam.

Optional work: Short class presentation. Topics will be suggested. 

Course outline and reading list:

1. Introduction Readings, Borjas, Chap. 1.

2. Labor Supply Readings, Borjas, Chap. 2, 3.

3.   Labor Demand Readings, Borjas, Chap. 4.
4.   Labor Market Equilibrium Readings, Borjas, Chap. 5.
5.   Compensating Wage Differentials  Readings, Borjas, Chap. 6.
6.   Human Capital  Readings, Borjas, Chap. 7.
7.   Labor Market Discrimination Readings, Borjas, Chap. 10.
8.   Labor Unions Readings, Borjas, Chap. 11.
9.   Labor Mobility and Immigration  Readings, Borjas, Chap. 9.

Additional readings will be given in the course of the semester.

Other Texts for Reference:  (optional)

R.G. Ehrenberg and R.S. Smith, (2008), Modern Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy, HarperCollins, N.York, 9th /e.

McConnell and Brue, (2005), Contemporary Labor Economics: Theory and Public Policy, McGraw-Hill ,7th /e.



4. 41ECO303-International Economics, Theory and Policy

1st semester

Tutor: Nikolina KOSTELETOU     nkost[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr

The textbook for this course is, International Economics: Theory and Policy,  by Krugman and Obstfeld, 8th edition.

Course outline

International Economics: what is it about? (KO), chapter 1.

The Ricardian Theory of Comparative Advantage (KO), chapter 3.

The Hecksher-Ohlin Theory of Comparative Advantage (KO), chapter 4.

The Standard Neoclassical Model and Growth (KO) chapter 5.

International Trade and Policy Intervention: tariffs, quotas and export subsidies

(KO) chapters 8, 9.

The International Monetary System: Historical Background (KO) chapter 18.

Optimum Currency Areas and the European Experience (KO) chapter 20.



 5.  41ECO221-Managerial Economics

1st semester  

Tutors: Prof. George Dotsis, gdotsis[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr

 Prof. Dimitris KENOURGIOS, dkenourg[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr

 Prof. Spyros Papathanasiou, spapathan[at]uoa[dot]gr


Course outline:

Introduction to Managerial Economics (analysis of a firm, types of firms, principal-agent problem, corporate governance, internal and external environment, etc.), Business mathematics (time value of money, discount interest rate, cash flows, etc.), Analysis of firms' costs, Analysis of product demand (demand function, elasticities, market structure, product diversification), Product pricing, Capital budgeting, Sources of financing, Value of a firm, Corporate decisions under uncertainty and risk.   

Basic textbook:

Douglas, E.J., Managerial Economics: Analysis and Strategy, Prentice Hall, 3rd ed., 1987.

  Alternative textbooks:

  1. Webster, T., Managerial Economics, Theory and Practice, Academic Press/Elsevier, 2003.
  2. Keat, P. and Young, P., Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2009.
  3. W. Bruce Allen, Neil Doherty, Keith Weigelt and Edwin Mansfield, Managerial Economics, Norton, 4th edition, 2002.
  4. Hirschey, M. and Pappas, J., Managerial Economics, Dryden Press, 8th edition, 1996.



6.  41FIN302-Corporate Finance

2nd semester 

Tutors: Prof.Dimitris KENOURGIOS,  dkenourg[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr

Course outline:

This course focuses on financial decision making in the modern corporation. The basic issues include: Time value of money (Present value, Future value, Perpetuities), Valuing stocks and bonds, Capital budgeting (Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, Payback period rule, Discounted Payback period rule, Profitability index), Accounting statements and Cash Flow, Financial planning (Long-term planning, Short-term financing and planning, Net working capital, Operating cycle, Cash cycle, Cash budgeting, Credit management and policy), Long-term financing (Common stock, Preferred stock, Long-term debt), Cost of Capital and Capital structure (Financial leverage, Modigliani and Miller Propositions, Taxes, Costs of financial distress, Weighted Average Cost of Capital), and Dividend policy.

Basic textbook:

Ross, S., Westerfield, R.W. and Jaffe, J., Corporate Finance, McGraw-Hill (Irwin Series in Finance), 4th ed., 1996 (or later editions).

Alternative textbooks:

  1. Brealey, R. A., Myers S. C and Μarcus J. Α., Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, Fourth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2004.
  2. Brigham, E. F., Gapenski C. L. and Ehrhardt M. C., Financial Management, Theory and Practice, The Dryden Press, New York, 2004.
  3. Brigham, E. F. and Houston J. F., Fundamentals of Financial Management, Ninth Edition, South-Western Thomson Learning, 2006.
  4. Arnold G., Corporate Financial Management, Second Edition, Financial Times-Prentice Hall, 2002.



7. 41MGT461-Introduction to Marketing 

2nd semester 

Prof. Panayiotis ALEXAKIS, paleks@econ.uoa.gr

  Course aim:

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of key marketing concepts, as they apply in a variety of firms and organisations in the contemporary environment.  Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the core role of marketing, including the value of the marketing mix in ensuring successful marketing implementation as well as the significance of external and internal forces affecting marketing practice. Also students will learn about factors that influence consumer behaviour and the way markets are viewed and targeted by marketeers.  

Students will be required to write a project.  This provides an excellent opportunity for students to demonstrate skills and add to their research and project presentation experience.  

 Course outline:

Marketing in the contemporary environment, marketing evolution, consumerism, marketing and society, company orientation, marketing and the firm, services marketing, the marketing environment, marketing research, consumer behaviour, market segmentation, positioning, the product and product life cycle, pricing, distribution and promotion. 

Participating students will be evaluated on exams (50%) and written essay (50%)

 Recommended Textbooks:

Essentials of Marketing, 14e, William D. Perreault, Jr.; Joseph P. Cannon; E. Jerome McCarthy, McGraw Hill

Marketing Management, P. Kotler;Kevin Lane Keller, Prentice Hall,14/E



 8.  41ACC101-Accounting I

(Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis, 8 hours per week)

1st and 2nd semester

Tutor: Prof.  Dimitrios Balios,  dbalios[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr 

Office: 1, Sofokleous street, No. 508     Tel: 210 3689453 

Aims and Objectives

This course provides the undergraduate with the fundamentals of financial accounting. Identifies the concepts and the methods of recording the business’s transactions in the General Journal, posting them in the General Lender and prepare the Trial Balance, the Income Statement and the Balance sheet of the firm. Additionally, this course focuses on financial statement analysis and refers to trend, horizontal, vertical and ratio analysis.

 Course outline

The course is comprised of two sections:

 First Section

Financial Accounting

  • Basics of accounting
  • Accounting cycle
  • Accounting equation
  • Accounting and business transactions
  • Accounting period
  • Accounting records
  • Common errors in accounting
  • Inventory taking and stock taking
  • Adjustment entries
  • Accounts, “T” accounts
  • Trial balance
  • Income statement
  • Balance sheet
  • Opening and closing the accounting records of the accounting period
  • Accounting systems
  • Financial statements

 Second Section

Financial Statement Analysis

  • Introduction to financial statements
  • Tools and techniques of financial statement analysis
  • Ratio analysis
    • Liquidity ratios
    • Activity ratios
    • Profitability ratios
    • Financial structure and viability ratios
    • Investment ratios

 A) Text books

D. Vasiliou & N. Eriotis, “Principles of Financial Accounting”, Rosili, 2010, in Greek.

D. Ginoglou, P. Tahinaki, General Accounting, Rosili, 2009, in Greek.

N. A. Niarchos, “Financial Statement Analysis”, Stamoulis, 2003, in Greek.

D. Gika, “Analysis & uses of the Financial Statements, Benos, 2006, in Greek.

 B) Adjacent Bibliography

C. Warren, J. Reeve, “Financial Accounting for future Business Leaders”, 1st edition, Thomson – South Western, 2004

C. Warren, J. Reeve, Ph. Fess “Financial Accounting” 8st edition, Thomson – South Western, 2004.

J. Wild, K. Subramanyam, R. Halsey, “Financial Statement Analysis” 8st edition, McGraw Hill, 2004.

G. White, A. Sondhi, D. Fried, “ The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements, 3rd edition, Wiley 2003



9. 41ACC201-Accounting II

2nd semester (Advanced financial accounting, 8 hours per week)

Tutor:  Prof. Dimitrios Balios,  dbalios[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr 

Office: 1, Sofokleous street, No. 508     Tel: 210 3689453 

Aims and Objectives

This course provides the necessary advanced accounting applied methods. In the first section we focus on the theoretical framework of financial accounting and the analysis of Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders’ equity. All the previous topics are delivered in accordance with the Greek General Accountancy Plan and the International Accounting Standards. In the last section, section two, we analyze the breakeven point, the working capital, the cash flow statements and present some case studies.

 Course outline

The course is comprised by two sections:

 First section

The theoretical framework of financial accounting

  • Analysis of accounting principles
  • Inventory
    • Types of inventory
    • Analysis of inventories, record and post inventory
    • Last-In-Last-Out and First-In-First-Out
    • Calculate the Gross Profit of the accounting period using cost of goods sold
  • Fixed assets
    • Types of fixed assets
    • Analysis, record and post fixed assets
    • Depreciation – Methods of depreciation
    • Fixed assets’ valuation
  • Securities
    • Types of securities
    • Analysis, record and post securities
    • Securities’ valuation
  • Current assets
    • Current assets’ accounts
    • Analysis, record and post current assets
  • Shareholders’ Equity
    • Accounts of shareholders’ equity
    • Analysis, record and post shareholders’ equity accounts
  • Liabilities
    • Long and short run liabilities
    • Analysis, record and post liabilities on local and foreign currency
  • Temporary and Memo accounts
  • Foreign Currency

 Second section

Financial Statements Analysis: Special issues

  • Break even point analysis
  • Working capital
  • Cash flow statement
  • Comparative analysis of financial statements
  • Case studies

 A) Text books

1)   D. Gika, “Financial Accounting”, Benos, 2008, in Greek.

2)   D. Heva, A. Balla “Financial Accounting”, Benos, 2008, in Greek.

3)   Ch. Vlahos, “International Accounting Standars”, volume A’ & B, Papazisis, 2009, in Greek.

4)   N. Eriotis, “Notes for the Greek General Accounting Plan”, lecture notes, 2008, in Greek.

5)   N. Niarchos, “Fianancial Statement Analysis”, Stamoulis, 2003, in Greek.

6)   D. Gika, “Analysis & uses of the Financial Statements, Benos, 2006, in Greek.

 B) Adjacent Bibliography

T. Warfield, J. Weygandt, D. Kieso, “Intermediate Accounting, Principles and Analysis”, 2nd edition, Wiley 2007.



10.  41ACC301-Accounting III  ( Managerial and Corporate Accounting)

1rst semester

(Cost accounting & Corporate accounting, 8 hours per week)

Tutor: Prof. Dimitrios Balios,  dbalios[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr 

 Aims and Objectives

This course provides the undergraduate with the necessary applied corporate and cost accounting methods. Additionally the course introduces and analyzes the managerial and cost accounting principles, applications and budgeting.

The course is separated in two sections, where managerial and cost accounting (e.g. the relationship between managerial and cost accounting, cost accounting techniques, etc.) and corporate accounting, where various types of firms, are analyzed, accordingly.

 Course outline

The course is comprised of two sections:

 First Section

Managerial and Cost Accounting

  • The relationship between managerial and cost accounting
  • Basics of cost accounting (cost accounting users, the concept of cost accounting and its diversification from Outcome and Expenditure
  • Manufacturing Overhead
  • Cost accounting techniques (marginal cost ect.)
  • Cost accounting methods (byproduct, by production line and activity based costing)
  • Defective and waste products
  • Co-produced products ect.
  • Cost accounting and the Class 9 of the General Hellenic Chart of Accounts
  • Budgeting

 Second Section

Corporate Accounting

Formation, Management, Taxation, Shareholders’ Equity, Changes in Shareholder’s Equity and Liquidation of all the types firms,e.g.

  • Society Anonyme S.A. (corporation)
  • Limited Liability Corporation
  • Limited Partnership Company
  • General Partnership Company

Consolidation (Principles and methods of consolidation, operations of consolidation, the elements of consolidated financial statement, the equity method).

 A) Text books

G. Venieris, S. Coen, M. Koletsi “Cost Accounting, Principles & Applications”, P.I. Publishing, 2003, in Greek.

D. Hevas, “Advanced Financial Accounting”, Benos, 2010, in Greek.

G. Venieris, S. Coen “Managerial Accounting”, P.I. Publishing, 2007, in Greek.

D. Ginoglou, “Corporate Accounting”, Rosili, 2006, in Greek.

 B) Adjacent Bibliography

1) J. Weygandt, P. Kimmel, E. Kieso, “Managerial Accounting”, 4th edition Wiley 2008.

2) P. Kimmel, J. Weygandt, E. Kieso, “Financial Accounting, Tools for Business Decision Making”, 4th edition Wiley 2007.




1rst Semester

Tutor: Charoula Ntelopoulou PhD, Laboratory Teaching Staff

Office: Sofokleous 1 & Aristeidou 11, No 423 (Floor 4),

Email: hadelop@econ.uoa.gr, Phone: +30 210-3689481

Skype: hara.delopoulos


Class-Website. https://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/ECON643/

Course outline

Technological changes have transformed "how", "when" and "how", people work and sell goods.  It is important to understand the building blocks of e-business (eg market analysis, e-business infrastructure, e-procurement, e-marketing, supply chain management etc), how it is conducted and how it is managed through case studies, in order to understand the “transformation” of the economy to a “digital economy”.

Syllabus “e-Business”


Textbook for this course is “E-Business & E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation and Practice by Dave Chaffey ISBN-13: 978-0273719601 ISBN-10: 0273719602

Chapter 1: Introduction to e-Business and e-commerce

Chapter 2: Market ananysis for e-commerce – case studies

Chapter 3: e-Business infrastructure

Chapter 4: e-Environment

Chapter 5: e-Business Strategy – case studies

Chapter 6: Supply chain Management

Chapter 7: e-procurement

Chapter 8: e-marketing

Chapter 9: Customer relationship management


IT-laboratories of an asynchronous e-learning platform/software


There will be an assignment which will count for 40% of the final grade. There will be a final exam which will count for the 60% of the final grade.




2nd Semester

Tutor: Charoula Ntelopoulou PhD, Laboratory Teaching Staff

Office: Sofokleous 1 & Aristeidou 11, No 423 (Floor 4),

Email: hadelop@econ.uoa.gr, Phone: +30 210-3689481

Skype: hara.delopoulos

Class-Website. https://eclass.uoa.gr/courses/ECON644/

Course Outline

Of particular interest is the rapid integration of intelligent information systems, IoT, etc with the aim of transforming the planet's cities into "smart" and "green" cities, in which citizens will find solutions to everyday and long-term problems such as environmental pollution, malfunctioning. public transport, large-scale disaster management and unemployment.  Governments find new ways: a) of organizing and providing information on how the government collects and manages knowledge, b) of involving citizens in dialogue with the help of e-Deliberation, e-petition, e-Rulemaking, open data, public data, e-accessibility, e-iInclusion e-voting, Participatory Budgeting with the ultimate goal of  e-Participation and "e-Democracy". Also, new forms of e-gov service rise: GtoC, GtoB, GtoG, GtoE, CtoC in various sector e-health, e-procurement, e-learning, tele-working etc

Outline of “e-GOVERNMENT”

Textbook for this course, is “eGovernment in the European Union” https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/inline-files/eGovernment_in_EU_June_2018_0.pdf

Chapter 1: Introduction to e-Government

Chapter 2: Back end of eGovernment Information systems

Chapter 3: e-Government Services

Chapter 4: e-Democracy

Chapter 5: Transaction security

Chapter 6: Interoperability

Chapter 7: e-Government strategy in Greece – case studies

Chapter 8: e-Government strategy in Europe, World

Chapter 9: Best Practices of e-Government Services – case studies


IT-laboratories of a “project management” system/software, https://trello.com/


There will be an assignment which will count for 40%, of the final grade. There will be a final exam which will count for the 60% of the final grade.



13. Contemporary Greece: History, Arts and Letters (School of Philosophy - Faculty of Theatre Studies)

For more information follow this link