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Charoula (Hara) Ntelopoulou

Laboratory Teaching Staff

Department of Economics

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Sofokleous 1 Str, Office 423

105 59 Athens – Greece

Εmail: hadelop[at]econ.uoa[dot]gr

CharoulaNtelopoulou, is Laboratory Teaching Staff in the EconomicsDepartment of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece.She received her Bsc in Economics, University of Piraeus, Greece and herMSc in "Administration of New Technologies", from National and TechnicalUniversity, Athens. She became a Doctor in the thematic field of"Electronic Governance”, from the Department of Informatics andTelecommunications and Department of Economics, National &Kapodistrian
University of Athens. Dr Ntelopoulou has 30 years of academic experienceand she was a member of the Scientific Team of the Laboratory ofInformatics at the School of Economics and Political Science of Nationaland Kapodistrian University of Athens. She was Scientific Assistant of theChief Editor of the Greek Academic Journal “SPOUDAI” of University ofPiraeus Greece.  She is teaching in graduate and post graduate courses"Electronic Governance" and "Electronic Commerce", “Computer Applicationsin the Economy”, “Information Systems in Economy”, “RelationalData Base Systems” and at a variety of computing seminars. Her researchinterests come under the scientific field of e-governance, e-commerce,e-services, e-business, e-participation, e-democracy, e-consultation,
e-deliberation, e-market places, e-learning and management of newtechnologies.   She has published in peer-reviewed scientific journals andconference proceedings. She has participation on EU and national researchprojects.She is the Academic Supervisor of the Internship of the Department of Economics for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Levelhttp://www.praktiki.econ.uoa.gr/. She is member of the Political Economy of Sustainable Development Lab http://pesd.econ.uoa.gr/. She has published a book: