Every academic year is split into two teaching periods which are called semesters, the winter (A) and the spring semester (B). The exact starting and ending dates of the semesters are set each year by the University Senate between the beginning of October and mid-January for the winter semester and mid-February to end of May for the spring semester (see dates in the first pages of this guide).
Exams take place in 3 periods: January for the courses of the A semester, June for the courses of the B semester and September for the courses of both semesters.
The minimum duration of the undergraduate studies at the Department is 8 semesters. The education of the students of the Department occurs via lectures, remedial lectures, seminars and 2 laboratory work.
Participation at the exams-Course declarations
A necessary prerequisite for the participation at the exams is the obligatory declaration of the courses for which each student plans to take exams.
Every student has the right to declare 8 courses for the January exam period and 8 for the June exam period. For the September exam period each student, each student can sit without new declaration, at exams for all courses that he/she failed or did not sit in the previous two exam periods of the relevant academic year.
The deadline for the submission of the declarations for each semester is November for the A exam period (January), and April for the B exam period (June).
Students are informed in time for the concrete deadlines and the way to fill the relevant declaration.
Specific attention must be given to the timely submission of the declaration for participation at the exams, as omission implies the non-eligibility of the student for the exams of the relevant period.
Degree Grade
The grade of the degree is the average of the grades at all courses that are needed for the completion of the studies.