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Course Description

COURSE: Theory and Strategy of Multinational Enterprises


Semester: A




Aims and Objectives:

The course examines the concept of multinational enterprise and deals with the efforts made by modern economies in order to attract them. In addition, it focuses on the role of foreign direct international investment. Finally, it deals with the nature, role and impact on international competitiveness and economic sustainability of business, the state and international organizations.


1. Introduction: Concepts, Definitions.

2. Theories of Multinational Enterprises and Globalization.

§  Market power and Control

§  Transaction Cost

§  Eclectic Theory

§  Edith Penrose's and the resource- based view

§  Control over work

§ Multinationals and co-creation of Markets and Ecosystems

3.  International Market Entry Strategies

§ Foreign direct investment OR Direct investments abroad

§   Joint Ventures – Strategic Alliances

§   Licensing and Franchising

4.  International Integration and Local Adaptation.

5.    Theories of International Competitiveness of States and Multinational Enterprises

Review - Conclusions.


Course Books:

1. Development Industrial Policy in Modern Greece, 1993 - 2012 BEGINNING AND END '; Christos Pitelis, 2013, Gutenberg,.

2. The Nature of  the Transactional Firm, Pitelis - Sugden, Dardanos'.