Course Description
Course: Advanced Macroeconomics
Code: ECO411
Semester: B'
Instructor: G. Argeitis
Aims and Objectives:
The subject of Advanced Macroeconomic Theory is primarily intended to bring students in contact with alternative schools of macroeconomic theory and politics. Particular emphasis will be given to the importance and role of monetary and financial forces in shaping the macroeconomic behavior of modern market economies, as well as on the role and effectiveness of monetary and fiscal policy in the context of the major Macro-Economic schools of thought, such as Neoclassical-Keynesian Synthesis, Monetarism, New Keynesian Economics, New Classical Economics, Real Business-Cycle Theory and Post - Keynesian Economics.
Course book:
Snowdon, B and Vane, H (1997). A Macroeconomics Reader, Routledge.