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Course Description

Course: Greek Economic History I, 19th century-1940

Code: HIS202

Semester: B

Instructors: Bournova E., Riginos M.


The aim of this course is to provide students with an understanding of the economic social and political issues which determined the process of economic development in Greece during the period 1830-1940.

The rural economy and society, 1830-1940

-the first land reform (1871) and the Corinthian raisin

-the great land propertyin Thessaly and the agricultural surplus

-the second land reform (1917), small land property and the rehabilitation of refugees

-demographic change-demographic transition and key demographic variables

-the great depression of 1929 and the tobacco, the establishment of the Agricultural Bank of Greece and the peasant protection net.

- the different types of agricultural holdings and crops depending on the geographical conditions and the strategies of the rural household.

Topics of monetary and fiscal history, public debt 1833-1940

Economy and industrialization in the 19th century

-The establishment of factory system. The silk industry

-The takeoff of Greek industry 1865-1900

Greek industry in the 20th century

-Τhe restrictive financial policy imposed by International Public Debt Administration and the Greek industry 1889 -1912

-The Greek industry during the wars period 1912-1922

-The inter-war period 1923-1940

-The “economic growth” of 20’s. Industry and the integration of the Asia Minor’ refugees

-The great depression and the emergence of protectionism in Greece 1929-1940


Β. Κρεμμυδάς (Διευθ.), Εισαγωγή στη Νεοελληνική Οικονομική Ιστορία (18ος-20ος αιώνας), Αθήνα 1999, εκδ. Τυπωθήτω-Γ.Δαρδανός.

Κ. Κωστής και Σ.Πετμεζάς (επιμέλεια), Η ανάπτυξη της Ελληνικής οικονομίας κατά τον 19ο αιώνα (1830-1914), Αθήνα 2005, εκδ. Αλεξάνδρεια.