Homepage » Undergraduate Studies » Degree Programme Courses » Free Elective Courses » Department of Economics » Political Economy » PEC311-Political Economy of Globalization

Course Description




INSTRUCTOR(S): A. Pappas (Adjunct Lecturer)


Aims and objectives

The main objective of the course is to study the effects of globalization on the world economy and especially the effects on international capital flows, international trade, workflows, technology and the environment. The three main theoretical approaches of globalization are considered: Mercantilism, Liberalism, Marxism or Structuralism. The foundation of this course is the interdisciplinary approach of International Political Economy and it focuses on the role of financial markets, “hot money”, international debt problems and financial crises.


Course Books

Cohn, Th. (2008). Διεθνής Πολιτική Οικονομία, εκδόσεις Gutenberg

Balaam, D, Veseth, M. (2001). Introduction to International Political Economy,Upper Saddle River,New Jersey.

Additional references

Το παράδοξο της παγκοσμιοποίησης, Rodrik Dani, 2012, Κριτική

Το μυστήριο του κεφαλαίου, Hernando de Soto, 2003, Εκδόσεις Ροές

Διεθνής πολιτική οικονομία, Τσαρδανίδης Χ., Κόντης Α., 2012

Παγκόσμια πολιτική οικονομία, O'Brien Robert, Williams Marc (Επιστ.επιμ.: Σκλιάς Παντελής), 2011, Παπαζήσης

Ιστορία της παγκοσμιοποίησης, Jurgen Osterhammel, Niels P. Petersson, 2013, Αιώρα