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Course Description

Monetary Theory and Policy

Κωδικός: ECO461- Monetary Theory and Policy

Semester: Α'

Instructor:G. Chortareas

This course considers money and monetary policy in theory and practice. The first section covers various theoretical approaches to the demand for and supply of money. The second section covers the macroeconomic models that allow to consider the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. In addition to the models outlined, this section emphasizes the empirical evidence. The third section focuses on central banks and discusses policy implementation, covering the eurozone and the international experience.


Α)  Ερωτόριτος Βαρελάς, Νομισματική Θεωρία και Πολιτική, Β' Έκδοση, 2018, Εκδόσεις Πανεπιστημίου Μακεδονίας (In Greek)

Β) BennettMcCallum, Monetary Theory and Policy, (in Greek)

Γ) DavidRomer, Advanced Macrieconomics (In Greek)

Δ) Selection of journal articles


A written exam at the end of the term.