Homepage » Undergraduate Studies » Degree Programme Courses » Free Elective Courses » Department of Economics » Mathematics and Informatics » MTH100-Introductory Mathematics

Course Description


Code: MTH 100

Semester: A

Tutor: G. Adjunct Lecturer (ESPA Grant)


Course description

Introduction to set theory, Notation for designating sets, Subsets, Unions, Intersections, Complements. Vectors in plane,  Complex Numbers, Sequences and series of real numbers, Convergence criteria,Single valued functions, Polynomial, logarithmic and exponential Functions, Limits and Continuity,Differentiation of single valued variables and applications. Matrix operations including inverses, Determinants and their properties, Systems of linear equations, Vector Spaces and Subspaces, The Euclidean Space, Linear dependence and independence, Linear mappings, Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.