Course Description
Course: Accounting III (Managerial and Corporate Accounting)
Semester: A
Instructor: N. P. Eriotis (& Lecturer P.D. 407)
Class – Hours per week 8 hours (6 hours lecture and 2 hours tutorial)
Aims and Objectives
This course provides the undergraduate with the necessary applied corporate and cost accounting methods. Additionally the course introduces and analyzes the managerial and cost accounting principles, applications and budgeting.
The course is separated in two sections, where managerial and cost accounting (e.g. the relationship between managerial and cost accounting, cost accounting techniques, etc.) and corporate accounting, where various types of firms, are analyzed, accordingly.
Course outline
The course is comprised of two sections:
First Section
Managerial and Cost Accounting
- The relationship between managerial and cost accounting
- Basics of cost accounting (cost accounting users, the concept of cost accounting and its diversification from Outcome and Expenditure
- Manufacturing Overhead
- Cost accounting techniques (marginal cost ect.)
- Cost accounting methods (byproduct, by production line and activity based costing)
- Defective and waste products
- Co-produced products ect.
- Cost accounting and the Class 9 of the General Hellenic Chart of Accounts
- Budgeting
Second Section
Corporate Accounting
Formation, Management, Taxation, Shareholders’ Equity, Changes in Shareholder’s Equity and Liquidation of all the types firms,
- Society Anonyme S.A. (corporation)
- Limited Liability Corporation
- Limited Partnership Company
- General Partnership Company
Consolidation (Principles and methods of consolidation, operations of consolidation, the elements of consolidated financial statement, the equity method).
A) Text books
G. Venieris, S. Coen, M. Koletsi “Cost Accounting, Principles & Applications”, P.I. Publishing, 2003, in Greek.
D. Hevas, “Advanced Financial Accounting”, Benos, 2010, in Greek.
G. Venieris, S. Coen “Managerial Accounting”, P.I. Publishing, 2007, in Greek.
D. Ginoglou, “Corporate Accounting”, Rosili, 2006, in Greek.
B) Adjacent Bibliography
1) J. Weygandt, P. Kimmel, E. Kieso, “Managerial Accounting”, 4th edition Wiley 2008.
2) P. Kimmel, J. Weygandt, E. Kieso, “Financial Accounting, Tools for Business Decision Making”, 4th edition Wiley 2007.