Course Description
Code: QNT201
1st and 2nd Semester
Instructors: S. Meintanis, Y. Bassiakos, Visiting Professor
Aims & Objectives:
This course is the continuation of Statistics Ι. Initially, the concepts of continuous random variables and basic continuous probability distributions are introduced. Then, in order to develop the methods of statistical inference, the concepts of random sample and sampling methodologies as well as sampling distributions are discussed. Following that, the methods of Statistical Inference – the main objective of the course – are developed, methods which are used to estimate or predict characteristics of a population based on results derived from the analysis of information contained in a sample. Appropriate testing methods provide the framework within it can be decided if the data adequately support the hypothesis that a parameter (or a function of a set of parameters) is equal to a particular arithmetic value. Special emphasis is given to the Analysis of Variance method, which is used to evaluate the simultaneous influence of various factors on a characteristic under study. Finally, the estimation method of the parameters of an appropriate stochastic model describing the linear relationship between two random variables is developed. Various goodness-of-fit criteria are examined and testing of the investigated hypotheses is used to ascertain the reliability of the results.
1. Probability Theory – Part ΙΙ:
Continuous random variables (single and two-parameter). Fundamental theoretical continuous distributions (Uniform,Normal, Gamma).
Central Limit Theorem and its applications. Random Samples, random sampling and sampling distributions.
2. Statistical Inference
Point Estimation. Properties of Estimators. Estimator derivation methods. Interval Estimation. Statistical Hypothesis Testing.
3. Analysis of Variance and regression.
One and two way Analysis of Variance.
Simple Linear Regression and Correlation.
Course Books:
- G. Donatos & V. Hombas,. Statistical Methods, Sakkoulas Eds., 1998
- P. Zairis, Statistical Methodology, Kritiki Eds., New-improved edition, 2010.
Other books:
- A. Mood., F. Graybill. & D. Boes, “Introduction to the theory of Statistics”, 3rd edn, McGraw Hill, 1974
- R. D. Mason & D. A. Lind, “Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics”, 8th edn, Irwin, 1993.