Course Description
Course: Introduction to Economic History
Code: HIS101
Semester: A & B
Instructor: E. Bournova, M. Riginos
1. The 15th -18th century period
The economic, social and demographic traits of pre-industrial Europe.
The rise of commercial capitalism. Pre-industrial and proto-industrial forms of production. Origins of the industrial revolution. Economic transformations in Europe during 16th and 17th century: The transfer of the economic expansion center from Mediterranean sea to the North sea and the North Atlantic.
2. The Industrial Revolution.
Cotton Industry and the Railways. The results of the Industrial Revolution. Factory system and the growth of the proletariat.
The liberal period 1850-1875. Laisser-faire in industry and the great Boom. Economic unification of the World. Social changes (city, industry, working class).
Bourgeoisie. Agriculture 1750-1875.
3. The 1875-1914 period.
The great depression 1875-1890. Protectionism and state regulation. Imperialism and the appearance of the international rivalries. The second industrial revolution - economic and social consequences. Mass production and mass market. The scientific organization of labor (taylorism-fordism). The land 1850-1914.
Text Book:
Robert L. Heilbroner William Milberg, The Making of Economic Society, Pearson Education 2008.