Homepage » Undergraduate Studies » Degree Programme Courses » Basic Elective Courses » QNT301-Applied Econometrics

Course Description


Code: QNT301

Semester: B

Instructors: Visiting Professor, PhD Candidate



The objective of the course is to analyze the application of econometric methods for the quantitative investigation, analysis and scientifically valid inference in specific economic problems and phenomena, for example, production, supply-demand, consumption and investments. Additionally, using real data, it aims to establish relationships between economic variables, to investigate formulation and exercise of consistent economic policy by government agencies and enterprises and the evaluation of corresponding effects, and to produce forecasts regarding the evolution of prices of certain quantities. The teaching of the course aims to combine the problem (problem articulation, data selection, model specification), the application of appropriate technique for dealing with it, as well as, the use of appropriate computer software for the implementation of the selected techniques.


  1. Non-stationary time series and stationarity tests.
  2. Cointegration, cointegration tests and dynamic model estimation.
  3. Error correction.
  4. Vector autoregressive models.
  5. Estimation and evaluation of dynamic models, with emphasis on:
  • consumption,
  • money demand,
  • price formation,
  • purchasing power parity,
  • international interactions.



1.    G. Κ. Cristou, «Introduction to Econometric», Gutenberg Publishers, 2010.
2.    Α. Katos, «Econometrics: Theory and Applications», Zygos Publishers, Thessaloniki, 2004.
3.    Teacher’s notes and a dossieur with special essays.


1.        Dimitrios Asteriou and Stephen Hall, Applied Econometrics: A Modern Approach Using Eviews and Microfit, 2007, Palgrave MacMillan
2.        Walter Enders, Applied Econometric Time Series, 2004, Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics